BOD approved the Amending some articles of the administrative, financial and technical regulation

BOD approved Amending some articles of the administrative, financial and technical regulations for the categories of referees, coaches ,  instructor courses and  working committee  as well as update of the courses fees that was during the BOD meeting via zoom on 3 Aug 2022 . knowing that the new amendment will be implemented in the administrative, financial and technical regulations for the categories of referees, coaches and working committees as follows:
1- Article (33,34,35,36) of the administrative, financial and technical regulations and working committees shall be applied as of January 1, 2023.
2- Article (37) of the administrative, financial and technical regulations and working committees shall be applied as of September 1, 2023 AD. The articles which is been changed such as :

Article (33) Categories of referees:
a- First-degree referee (Golden Badge)
b- Second-degree referee (silver badge)
c- Third-degree referee (Bronze Badge)
d- Local referee
Article ( 34 ) Conditions of registration of referees in accordance with categories :
To apply to the General Secretariat of the International Tent Pegging Federation (ITPF) through the National Federation, provided that the applicant must meet the following conditions:
1- Local referee:
a- Holding at least a diploma qualification. b- Must be at least 18 years at the time of application.
c- To pass the local preparatory course successfully (organized by the National Federation and under the supervision of ITPF)
d- Payment of the course fees upon acceptance of the application.
2- Third degree international referee (bronze badge) NEW
a- To pass the local preparatory course.
b- Spending 6 months as a local referee.
c- To pass the third-degree test.
d- Payment of course fees upon acceptance of the application.
3- Second degree international referee (silver badge)
a- Spending 24 months as a third-degree working referee
b- Participating at least twice in International Championships
c- To pass the second-degree qualification course test.
d- Payment of course fees upon acceptance of the application.
4- First-degree international referee (golden badge)
a- Spending 36 months as a second-degree active working referee
b- Participating at least four times in International Championships
c-To pass the first-degree qualification course test.
d-  Payment of course fees upon acceptance of the application.
5- Local coach
a- To be an equestrian coach or jockey or have participated in at least 6 local tournaments or at least one Tent Pegging international participation and recommended by the National Federation.  b- Age not less than 18 years at the time of application.
c- To pass the preparatory course ( organized by the National Federation under ITPF supervision.
d- Payment of course fees upon acceptance of the application.
6- Third degree International referee (bronze badge)
a- Spending 6 months as a local coach.
b- To pass the local qualification course
c- Payment of course fees upon acceptance of the application.
7- International Second-Degree Coach ( (Silver Badge)
a- Spending 24 months as a local coach.
b- Participating at least twice in International Championships as a jockey or coach.
c- To pass the local qualification course
d- Payment of course fees upon acceptance of the application.
8- International First-Degree Coach  (golden badge)
a- To have spent at least 36 months as a second-degree coach participating in the local and international tournaments.
b- Participating at least four times in International Championships as a jockey or coach
c- To pass the local qualification course d- Payment of course fees upon acceptance of the application
9- International candidate referee or coach must meet the following conditions to be certified:
a- To be ITPF registered referee
b- certified by the Referee Committee or the Technical Committee and certified by the General Secretariat of ITPF.
c- To pass the courses and tests prescribed for all categories.
d- Payment of the annual subscription and attending the periodic refreshment courses (for the golden badge recipients every 4 years).
Article ( 35 ) referee tests  – To pass all courses with minimum 70 % score except refreshment courses.
Article ( 36 ) International Lecturer
a- Holding at least a higher diploma qualification.
b- Age not less than 25 years old at the time of application.
c- To be ITPF first-degree registered referee. d- Spending at least 12 months as a first-degree active referee.
e- To pass the course test.
Article (37 ) Courses Fees
1- The prescribed fees shall be as follows:  a- Registration fees for international and local level
Subscription fees for courses and tests   : Preparatory course for local referee  $ 50    Third-degree international referee course $100
Second-degree international referee session $ 250
First Degree International Referee Course $ 500
International lecturer course  $ 700
Local coach course  $ 50
Second-degree international coach course   $ 250
First degree international coach course   $ 500
Re-entry fee and registration of the referee local   $ 75 international $ 100
Referee allowance for international referees  :
Committee chairmen  $ 150
Committee members and the like  $ 100
Lecturer allowance local $ 100 international $ 200
Other fees to be determined by a proposal submitted by the organizing committee, then presented to the General Secretariat for submission to the President of the Federation
The chairmen and members of the Referees, Vets and Appeal Committees shall be financially treated in accordance with the Financial Regulations of the National Federation, if any.
For what is not mentioned above, it shall be in accordance with ITPF financial regulations or the decision of the Board for the same.
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