The Inclusion of tent pegging as part of the Eurasian Games” Annual Events

In the context of developing and promoting the sport of Tent Pegging internationally, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the International Tent Pegging Federation and the Eurasian Equestrian Association (EURASIAN) which comprises 11 countries. The agreement was signed in Moscow, the capital of Russia.


The memorandum highlights the inclusion of Tent Pegging as part of the Eurasian Games’ annual events. The signing took place with the participation of Sheikh Mohammed Al-Fayruz, the President of the International Tent Pegging Federation, and Ms. Marina Sechina, the President of the Eurasian Equestrian Association.


This collaborative agreement aims to enhance cooperation between the two entities and foster greater interest in Tent Pegging within the Euro-Asian region. By including Tent Pegging in the Eurasian Games, the International Tent Pegging Federation and Eurasian Equestrian Association seek to develop the sport and expand its fan base in the area. This step serves as motivation for athletes and enthusiasts of Tent Pegging, providing them with a remarkable platform to compete and achieve regional and global recognition.


The signing of this agreement demonstrates the commitment of both parties to promoting Tent Pegging and achieving their common aspirations of popularizing the sport and expanding its reach.


This strategic partnership marks an essential milestone towards enhancing sports and cultural exchange among the participating countries and strengthening international communication in the field of Tent Pegging. We look forward to achieving significant success through this collaboration, contributing to the growth of this exciting traditional sport, and attracting new interest from around the world.

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