The Tent Pegging tournament concluding the qualifies for the World Cup final to be held in South Africa in August 2023, concluded the group C which was held in Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistan hosted group C which contents the countries : Pakistan, Jordan, Iran, Syria, and Belarus, from 15 to 17 February 2023. The results came with the qualification of Pakistan teams and Jordan to the final that will be held in South Africa in August 2023. First Day: 14 Feb , 2023 @ 09:30 am was Technical Metting started with announcing by Jround Gury President .. then Vet president gave a breif about the hours availability and condition .Second Day, 15 Feb , 2023 @ 2:00pm , individual and Pairs and team ( Lance competions) started . Result : Individual, First competitor from Jordan Team , Second competitor from Pakistan Team , Third competitor from Jordan team . For the team Result : First Pakisran Team , Second Jordan team Third Syria team . Third Day: 16 Feb , 2023 @ 2:00pm , individual and Pairs and team( Sword competions) started, for the Result of Individual , First competitor from Pakistan Team Second competitor from Pakistan Team , Third comoetitor from Jordan team . For the team Result , First Pakisran Team , Second Jordan team Third syria team . For the for forth and final Day: 17 Feb , 2023 @ 2:00pm , Limon , Ring and Relay ( Sword and Lance competions) started with Result : Individual ,First competetor from Jordan Team , Second competitor from Pakistan Team , Third competitor from Pakistan team . For the Result team of overall : First Pakistan Team, Second Jordan team , Third Syria team. For the Overall result individually : Best Competitor from Jordan Team Husam Khazaalla , Second from Pakistan Team , Third Competitor from Pakistan Team . So , The results came with the qualification of Pakistan teams and Jordan to the final that will be held in South Africa in August 2023.
