International Women’s Tent Pegging Championship (Grand Prix), organized by the Public Security Directorate and led by the Public Security Ceremonial Leadership Group under the supervision of the International Tent Pegging Federation, was held between 22-24 September 2022. A total of (39) equestrian representing (14) countries from around the world participated in the contest in the presence of the President of the International Federation of Tent Pegging, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Fayrouz, and Colonel Dr. Muhammad Al-Zawaida, leader of the Public Security Ceremony Group.
A series of competitions were held during the tournament, which lasted three days (individual lance or sword / team lance or sword / lemons and peg with sword / rings and peg with lance), where 39 equestrians competed from (Jordan, Britain, Norway, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Pakistan, India, Oman, Sudan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia).
The results of the tournament were as follows:
1- General Total (Teams):
1st place: South Africa
2nd place: Oman
3rd place: India
2- General Total ( Individual ):
1st place : Oman (Ghanima Al-Shukaili).
1st place : South Africa (Ananya Schutte).
2nd place : South Africa ( Cara-Lee Greyling)
3rd place : Sudan (Lina Al-Hareth).
On the sidelines of the championship activities, international training courses for TentPegging were provided for international coaches and judges in order to obtain the silver and golden badges under the supervision of the International Tent Pegging Federation.
Representatives from sports and media organizations, and a large number of visitors has attended the closing ceremony in the ancient city of Petra , praising the efforts made by the Jordan Public Security Directorate and the coordination at a high level that enabled the bright image of Jordan to be reflected.